Meet Our Baker: Charity Harter

Our Singer Spotlight series is now here on our website. Dedicated to showcasing our wonderful members in and around Concordia Choral Arts, our Singer Spotlights give each member a shining moment to showcase a bit of themselves to the world. We will periodically be adding Spotlights that premiered prior to our re-launch as time goes on.

Today’s mini Singer Spotlight is a bit unique in comparison to our many others. Instead of focusing on the many accomplishments of our esteemed singer, today we are focusing on one in particular

Until about a year ago, Charity Harter was an alto in our choir and a freelance musician who plays and teaches Low Brass (tuba, trombone, euphonium). In June of 2019 her sister-in-law gifted Charity with sourdough starter and now she is an obsessed baker (and continues to be a musician). When the freezer became too crowded and the neighbors ate their fill she realized the bread needed additional homes and decided to use her obsession to raise money for her beloved Concordia Choral Arts.

With Charity at the helm, we are proud to partner with her to bring you the Concordia Choral Arts Bread Event! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen, and thank you to Charity, our wonderful Baker!


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Volunteer Spotlight: Ben Witmyer