Amazon Smile

A reminder for the holiday seasons!

Amazon Smile allows you to utilize your favourite online retail and delivery agent, while supporting your local community choir. There are only some minor cosmetic differences while using Amazon Smile, so Concordia Choral Arts would like to remind you that you can utilize Concordia as your preferred partnered non-profit this holiday season, and forever more! At no cost to you!

By heading to, you can choose whichever local non-profit means a lot to you. Type in “Concordia Choral Arts” and choose the option located in Chester Country: That’s Us! Now, every time you order from the largest online retailer in the Western Hemisphere, a tiny fraction of that order comes back to us, so that you can foster your local community with every purchase

Please, when ordering products online, take a moment to see how you can benefit your community as well, whether it be partnering with local businesses, or supporting non-profits when you can. We always appreciate it, and it always comes back to you!


Singer’s Mask Project